Pastoral Care
At The Ongar Academy we believe that effective pastoral care is not only essential but something that underpins school life. At our School there is always someone to whom the students can turn for help and advice. Every adult has a responsibility for students’ welfare and security, and there are many layers of pastoral support in place.
Our pastoral care system has a structure based on year groups, which sees year Standards and Progress Leaders working closely with your son/ daughter’s year-team to ensure that we get to know every student personally. Students are individually valued and well-supported.
As well as parents/ carers accessing their son or daughter’s Arbor (which is an secure online platform) that outlines their child’s reward and behaviour points, Form Tutors also have access to this information. In this regard, form tutors should be the first point of contact for parents who have concerns about their son/ daughter’s academic progress, behaviour or effort.
Through our pastoral care system – we aim to promote our School values of integrity, resilience, respect and community. We are committed to a positive approach and, whenever possible, praise and rewards are used to motivate and encourage the students. There is a clear code of conduct which students are expected to follow at all times and this is underpinned by appropriate sanctions, as set out in the school’s Behaviour Policy.
Mental Health Support
There are a number of resources and charities available that provide help and advice on mental health and wellbeing. Please refer to the links below for further information.
Wilderness Foundation – offers counselling and therapeutic support, and may bring nature, art and other creative tools into sessions. Appointments are available 9am-5pm Monday - Friday. Evenings and weekends by appointment. Contact 0300 1233073 or
Renew Counselling – an experienced and accredited counselling service for all ages. Appointments are available Monday – Friday 10am – 5pm and Monday-Thursday 5pm-8pm. Saturdays by appointment. Contact 01245 359353 or
Open Door – offers coaching, counselling and mediation. Appointments are available Monday-Thursday 9am-7pm, Friday 9am-5pm. Saturday and Sunday by appointment. Contact 01375 390040 or
Relate – offer accredited mediation and counselling. Appointments are available 9am-9pm Monday- Friday and 9am-5pm on Saturdays. Contact 01245 676930 or 01708 441722 or
YMCA – can help families identify beneficial strategies and solutions for their needs in individual, group or family sessions. Appointments are available Monday – Friday and Saturdays by agreement. Contact 01245 355677 or
Evolve Intervention – provide early intervention for children and young people through mentoring, coaching, group work and tuition. Appointments are available Monday -Friday 9am to 6pm, with some availability between 6pm- 8pm and on Saturdays 10am to 4pm. Contact us on 01245 526069 or