Uniform and Equipment
School uniform is compulsory for Years 7 – 11. All students are expected to wear full school uniform correctly at all times (including to and from school). Whilst much of the uniform can be bought in many high street retailers, the official school blazer, tie and PE kit are ONLY available through our sole preferred supplier: Schoolwear Plus in Chelmsford: http://schoolwearplus.com/
We would strongly encourage you to attend at the shop for your child to be measured at the earliest opportunity.
Our PTA collect lost property throughout the year, and try their best to return the items to their owners. They have a Facebook group which regularly posts the lost property that they have collected: Ongar Academy Uniform Group. Pre-loved uniform items are often posted for sale at very reduced prices so if you require assistance with purchasing uniform, it is worth contacting them.
There are many recognised benefits in having a school uniform. A uniform can instil pride, support positive behaviour and discipline, contribute towards the ethos of a school, help to ensure students of all races and backgrounds feel welcome, protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way, nurture cohesion and promote good relations between different groups of students.
Under the provisions of the Equality Act 2010 schools must not discriminate on grounds of sex, gender reassignment, race, disability, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief or sexual orientation. Our students expressed that they wanted to have equal opportunities and we agree with them. It is for this reason that we have slightly adapted our uniform policy to ensure we are compliant and we are not discriminating on any of these grounds. These changes came into effect from 1st September 2019.
All students are expected to wear the approved uniform correctly in school, and when travelling to and from the school. The main changes that have been made will allow ALL students to have the opportunity to wear the uniform items listed below. Some items are the same and some items have an either/or choice. There are no new items that have been added, the only difference is what they choose to wear.
School Uniform
- Blazer: Black, school design with badge, two different shapes are available to best suit specific body types. The house colour and year group colour have been removed from blazers.
- White blouse or white shirt: The blouse should have a revere collar, the white shirt should have a collar with the top button fastened and must always be worn with a tie.
Any vests or undergarments worn under the blouse or shirt must be white or natural in colour and should not be visible. Blouses and shirts must always be tucked into skirts or trousers.
- Tie: The tie must be the school design and should be an appropriate length. A tie is only required if the student is wearing a white shirt, it is not needed if blouses are worn.
- Jumpers: Optional – these should be plain black and V-neck.
- Trousers or skirt: Trousers must be plain black, traditional cut and formal in style. Skirts must be black with a central inverted pleat, worn on the knee.
- Black socks or black tights: Plain black ankle socks or plain black opaque tights can be worn.
- Shoes: These must be black and formal. Trainers are not allowed (except when authorised for medical reasons). Footwear must be sensible, have polishable uppers and grip soles with no visible logos. They should have a low heel.
- Hair: Hair colour not considered to be natural, or any extreme colour is not permitted. Students having lines or patterns cut into their hairstyle e.g. V-cuts are not acceptable. Any shaved hair must be a barber’s grade 2 or above. Excessive hair accessories should not be worn. Long hair should be tied up in some lessons on grounds of health and safety.
- Nails – No false nails or nail varnish are allowed.
- Make up – Any make up worn must be discreet. Staff should not be able to easily notice that the student is wearing make-up. Make-up that is deemed acceptable is concealer, light mascara and a lip balm.
Bright coloured lipsticks, heavy pencilled eyebrows, eyeshadow, eyeliner, heavy mascara and fake eyelashes are not acceptable, and students will be asked to remove this.
- Jewellery – One small stud is allowed in each ear lobe. No other piercing is permitted. A small plain religious symbol may be worn around the neck and a wristwatch is permitted. A medical bracelet can be worn. No other jewellery is permitted.
- Coats, scarves, hats and gloves – These should be worn to and from school in cold weather, but should be removed once in the school building. They should be plain in colour. Leather coats/jackets, hooded tops and those dominated by a logo are not permitted.
If head scarves are to be worn indoors, these should be black in colour. (Although white will be allowed in the warmer weather).
PE Kit
- Black/Green Sports Top
- Black/Green Shorts or Skort
(Black leggings are permitted to be worn under these items)
- Black/Green Socks
- White sports socks
- Trainers
- Football boots
- Black/Green Rugby top: (Optional but highly recommended for those wishing to participate in rugby and football teams.)
- Black/Green Tracksuit
- Black/Green Rain Jacket
All uniform must be labelled with the student’s name, so if items are lost, they can be easily returned.
If you are looking to purchase uniform labels, our PTA recommend STIKINS – If you purchase labels from this company and add our fundraising number – 35916, we will also be provided with additional funding via our PTA.
- Oxford Mathematics Set
- Scientific Calculator
- Pen (plus a spare – blue/black)
- Pencil (plus a spare)
- Eraser
- Sharpener
- Highlighting Pen
- Glue Stick
- Collins French (and Spanish) Dictionary
- English Dictionary
- Bottle of Water